The expertise to create solutions that pay for themselves

EXCEL Services Corporation consultants have the background, contacts and up-to-date expertise to come in and implement initiatives that can drive faster approvals, fewer problems, and new ways to increase safety and raise—and sustain—performance and save costs doing so.

Neil Haggerty
Senior Director of Innovative Solutions

Mr. Haggerty is an experienced mechanical and environmental engineer with over 30 years of experience in the domestic commercial nuclear reactor industry. He has significant experience in the 10 CFR Part 52 new reactor licensing process and the associated environmental reviews, review of nuclear fuel cycle licensing actions, 10 CFR Part 50 operating reactor regulatory affairs, licensing renewal and project and contract management.

Mr. Haggerty was responsible for developing, reviewing, and defending sections of a combined license (COL) application (COLA) for the AP1000 reference plant, and managed the development of the AP1000 reference COL Applicant’s Environmental Report, as well as the nuclear security aspects of reference COL Applicant’s COLA. He has written and received approval of numerous Part 52 COL License Amendment Requests (LARs), AP1000 Design Certification Rule exemption requests, and licensing position documents to support construction and future operation of the client’s two-unit AP1000 nuclear facility. Prior to supporting the industry’s Part 52 licensing activities, Mr. Haggerty provided support and guidance in updating the NUREG-0800 Standard Review Plan, while serving as a Senior Project Manager with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Mr. Haggerty also has experience in developing, reviewing, and supporting review of Operating License Renewal Applications, including the associated Environmental Reports, and the operating programs required to satisfy the license renewal aging management program requirements. Experience includes projects at Babcock and Wilcox, Combustion Engineering, and Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors, and commercial uranium fuel cycle facilities