Company Overview

EXCEL is uniquely equipped to provide our clients expertise in nuclear licensing, compliance, new reactors, technology selection, critical infrastructure protection, O&M reduction and more.

About Excel

What We Offer


Advanced Reactor Concepts


American Electric Power


Arizona Public Service Company

American Electric Power

Agency (OPAL)

Barsebäck Kraft AB (Sweden)

British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL)

Central Nuclear Embalse (CNE, Argentina)

Consumers Power Company

Department of State (US DOS)

Department of Energy (US DOE)

Dominion Virginia Power

E. ON Kernkraft GmbH (Germany)

Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC, UAE)

ENEL and Hungarian MVA

RESUN AG (Switzerland)

Rolls‐Royce (Civil Nuclear, UK)

Rosatom (Russia)

Public Service Company of Colorado

Southern Nuclear Operating Company

Indiana Michigan Power Company


Defining The Excel Difference


Unsurpassed Technical Expertise

Our team of subject matter experts, with a wealth of industry experience, is ready at any moment to assist.


High-level Industry / Regulatory Expertise

Access to experienced executive consultants that have held positions at the highest levels of responsibility in industry and within government agencies. This gives our clients a unique advantage that has proven to be most successful in developing solutions to quickly and effectively resolve their most challenging issues.


Industry Involvement

EXCEL is involved with key regulatory and industry groups which keeps us,and our clients at the forefront of what’s happening now, and what’s


Technology Neutral

EXCEL works without preference to any supplier or original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and is free to make the right procurement recommendations, with the goal of providing the best, most cost-effective solution to the client.

How can we help you?

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