The expertise to create solutions that pay for themselves

EXCEL Services Corporation consultants have the background, contacts, and up-to-date expertise to come in and implement initiatives that can drive faster approvals, fewer problems, and new ways to increase safety and raise—and sustain—performance and save costs doing so.

Mark Satorius
Vice President, Executive Performance Solutions/ Event Response

Mr. Satorius has over 40 years of experience in the Nuclear Industry. He is responsible for leading the EXCEL service offering that uses the highest levels of industry expertise to create solutions for clients’ most critical and difficult regulatory challenges, including responding to significant NRC enforcement and reactor oversight inspection issues, and nuclear safety culture concerns. This service offering provides a talented team of former industry and regulatory executives that bring unmatched knowledge and experience to create solutions for clients with critical and difficult regulatory and legal challenges and to prepare them for future NRC interactions.

EXCEL has developed a Nuclear Safety Culture Assessments program that applies the Nuclear Safety Culture traits of NRC NUREG-2165 and INPO 12-012; and, the principles of High Reliability Organizations. By emphasizing small group data gathering interviews and then using systematic and transparent qualitative analysis, EXCEL identifies common themes and patterns to develop cultural insights that bring solutions to safety culture problems.

Additionally, EXCEL provides post NRC inspection assistance to advise senior client management in strengthening NRC’s confidence in the client’s safety and security performance (often referred to as “regulatory standing”) and in improving the client’s relationship with the NRC senior leader in regional offices and selected program offices at the NRC headquarters. EXCEL also has a broad bench of talent with extensive experience in many areas, that give clients options to select experts with varied skill sets to address the precise problem that exists.

Prior to joining EXCEL, Mr. Satorius spent 26 years at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), where he served in several senior leadership positions, including Administrator, NRC Region III and as the Executive Director for Operations. Mr. Satorius has testified before Congressional Committees and at NRC Commission Meetings on topics such as safety and security issues at licensed nuclear facilities.

A graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Mr. Satorius was a nuclear submarine officer with extensive operational experience aboard a nuclear-powered submarines. He attained formal certification from the Director of the Naval Reactors Program as a Qualified Nuclear Engineering Officer.