The expertise to create solutions that pay for themselves

EXCEL Services Corporation consultants have the background, contacts, and up-to-date expertise to come in and implement initiatives that can drive faster approvals, fewer problems, and new ways to increase safety and raise—and sustain—performance and save costs doing so.

Eddie Grant
Vice President, New Reactor/Technology Solutions

Mr. Grant is the Vice President of New Build for EXCEL. He has over 40 years of experience in the nuclear industry. He has over 10 years experience working with Part 52 licensing applications such as the NuStart AP1000 Bellefonte (and Vogtle) Combined License (COL) applications and the Exelon Generating Company (EGC) Early Site Permit (ESP) application. Mr. Grant was the lead licensing engineer for each of the successful first-of-a-kind application submittals and ultimate approvals by the NRC, resulting in the first ever issued Part 52 ESP and first ever issued Part 52 COL. These roles included direct interaction with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), interaction with the reactor vendor design certification, presentation of the applications to ACRS and ASLB and representation of the projects on the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) industry task forces related to the ESP and the COL development.

Mr. Grant has been gathering nuclear plant licensing and regulatory interface experience since earning a nuclear engineering degree in 1978, including previous development of successful Part 50 license applications for River Bend Station and Limerick Generating Station, Unit 2, development of numerous amendment requests for various operating stations, program enhancements at various operating stations, support of application development for a Part 70 new fuel enrichment facility and application development for the license renewal of Darlington Generating Station in Canada.