Corporate Citizenship

We’ve built best practices for nuclear power producers. We can do the same for you.

For 40 years, EXCEL has served clients and shaped standards, best practices, andsafeguards for the entire nuclear power industry. Today, with an unsurpassed team of consultants, EXCEL is uniquely positioned not just for Delivering the Nuclear Promise, but for using lessons learned in the world’s most highly regulated industry.

Industry Groups and Events

  • Joint Owner’s Group Technical Specification Task Force
  • Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group (PWROG) Licensing Subcommittee
  • Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group (BWROG) Licensing Subcommittee
  • Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Regulatory Issues Task Force
  • NEI Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Task Force
  • American Nuclear Society (ANS)
  • European Nuclear Society (ENS)
  • World Nuclear Association (WNA and Working Groups)
  • Civil Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee (CINTAC)
  • Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG)
  • International Group of Research Reactors (IGORR)
  • National Organization of Test, Research and Training Reactors (TRTR)
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
  • United States Nuclear Industry Council (NIC)

Sharing expertise and shaping policy

President/CEO of EXCEL Donald Hoffman serves or has served in the following capacities:

  • Past President of the American Nuclear Society
  • Fellow, American Nuclear Society
  • Past member of the ANS’s Board of Directors multiple times
  • Held every major leadership office at ANS and was chair of many of the organization’s committees
  • Served as a former member of the Secretary of Commerce’s Civil Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee
  • Held senior advisory positions in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA), and the World Nuclear Association
  • Serves as the current President of Eagle Alliance
  • Serves on the Board of Directors of the European Nuclear Society
  • Serves on numerous IAEA Committees and Tasks Forces for New Nuclear Build and Current Nuclear Fleet Safety and Operational Issues
  • Vice Chair of the World Nuclear Association Cooperation in Reactor Design, Evaluation and Licensing (CORDEL) Group
  • Chair of the Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium Authority (VNECA) working with the Governor of Virginia to promote Virginia as a premiere nuclear state
  • Founding Co-Chair of the ANS’s Special Committee on Nuclear in the States
  • President/CEO of Sensible Energy Matters to America (SEMA), an organization he founded to ensure the state and federal lawmakers appropriately value nuclear in the present and future energy mix and develop a sensible approach for the overall energy policy
  • Served as a trusted advisor to President Trump’s Leadership Council, providing insights on energy issues in the US and internationally

Additionally, he serves as:

  • Member, Board of Directors US Energy Association (USEA) (2015-Present)
  • Member, University of California Berkeley Nuclear Energy Advisory Board (2015-Present)
  • Member, Small Business Administration (NSDA) Leadership Council (2015-Present)
  • Member, American Energy Society (AES) (2015-Present)
  • Member, Civil Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee (CINTAC) (2012-2013, 2017-2018, 2021-2022)

Giving Back

Outside the Industry:

In 2018, Mr. Hoffman was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Montgomery County Partners for Animal Well-Being, the dedicated non-profit partner of the Montgomery County Animal Services and Adoption Center (MCASAC). Mr. Hoffman is devoted to advocating for the animals of Montgomery County, and has helped raise money, improve shelter conditions, and act as a voice for the community.

In addition, Mr. Hoffman has been a donor and/or is an active member of several organizations such as; the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, the American Cancer Society, the Maryland Special Olympics, the Kidney Foundation, the Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation, Wounded Warriors, Fisher House, and many others. Mr. Hoffman is also a valued supporter of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.


Mr. Hoffman has and continues to be highly involved in energy policy by interfacing directly with the local, state, and federal governments. He also formed two non-profit organizations, one in 2016 and one in 2018, both with the intention of addressing the needs of the energy-industry.

The 501(c)(3) Sensible Energy Matters of America (SEMA) was founded in August 2016 to address the need for a sensible energy policy which considers the strengths and weaknesses of all energy sources. Mr. Hoffman has worked closely with the Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, Wind and Solar, Hydro, and biodegradable communities to develop a Sensible Energy Policy that values the unique strengthens and weaknesses of each energy source and benefits all energy sources to the detriment of none and for the benefit of all America.

The 501(c)(6) United Nuclear Industry Alliance (UNI) was founded in late 2018 as a Supply Chain business alliance whose mission is to: create innovative business relationships among its Members; create innovative business relationships between its Members and Utilities; facilitate effective local, state, and federal government support that reenergizes the U.S. Supply Chain community; and maximize Members’ ability to compete in the nuclear industry domestically and internationally.

Additionally, EXCEL has sponsored all of the ANS Utility Working Conferences, ANS National and Winter Meetings, and has hosted a series of meetings with UNI to get important conversations started about the industry and how we can help ensure its successful future.
